I complain often that I do not have nearly enough pictures of myself with my precious baby boy since I'm always the one behind the camera. So, yesterday I handed the camera over to my hubby and asked him to snap away! I can't claim the photography as my own handy work. I merely metered the light for the hubsters and showed him how to adjust shutter speed to compensate for the light changes... have I told you that I'm teaching him to shoot? He is so clever, and has an amazing eye, and is so talented with design layout... I am confident he will be an amazing shooter. He's the handy fella that designed my logo and taught me a great deal about photoshop (which he's pretty advanced at from his graphic designing days)... Ok I'm done bragging. This post is after all about me and the little guy, isn't it? ;)
So here we are, sitting on our front porch! We normally get loads of smiles out of him with my crazy singing and dancing, but with my husband focusing on the camera and me focusing on my smile... well...we have straight faced little man. He is still amazingly adorable...
I also have to add that these were taken with my AMAZING new equipment... the gorgeous 5dMarkII... and I am in love with it. I barely had to touch these in post processing... just sharpened, brightened... no need to mess with an image when it comes out that amazing straight from your camera :)

I am SOOOO crazy about this child... seriously.

We do this about 559 times a day...

I am so blessed. So so blessed. What an amazing little boy I have... :)